黃亞漢 Hank Huang
國家交響樂團 中提琴團員
The Violist of the National Symphony Orchestra of Taiwan
出生於新北市,8歲開始學習中提琴,畢業於國立武陵高中及國立臺北藝術大學,2015年獲獎赴美國新英格蘭音樂院 (New England Conservatory) 攻讀碩士文憑。 師事 Cathy Basrak (波士頓交響樂團中提琴副首席) 以及 Mai Motobuchi (Borromeo String Quartet) 。室內樂師事 Lluis Claret 以及 Mai Motobuchi。2017年取得碩士學位,返國後旋即加入國家交響樂團,擔任中提琴演奏員。
旅美期間除多次參與波士頓愛樂 (Boston Philharmonic Orchestra) 之演出外,也曾任NEC Philharmonic 中提琴首席,並於2017年參與 Karen Tuttle viola workshop大師班。也曾受陳則言,黃心芸, Paul Silverthorne, Karen Ritscher, Susan Dubois, Jeffrey Irvin, Carol Rodland, Kim Kashkashian 等大師指導。
於國立臺北藝術大學就讀期間,師事何君恆及趙怡雯教授。中提琴曾師事陳永清、黃瑞儀。在台期間樂團經驗豐富,2010年獲獎參與 Bowdoin Music Festival,2011年考取亞洲青年管弦樂團 (Asian Youth Orchestra),2013年與北藝大管弦樂團赴以色列演出,擔任中提琴首席,同年考取第一屆 NSO 樂團學苑。
返國後積極的參與各類型的演出,如樂興之時交響樂團、灣聲樂團,也入選2018年王道銀行堤頂之星。現任 NSO 3+1 弦樂四重奏中提琴手。
A native of Taiwan, Ya Han (Hank) Huang began his viola lessen at 8 and graduated from the New England Conservatory in 2017 where he studied with Cathy Basrak and Mai Motobuchi, Lluis Claret and Mai Motobuchi for chamber music. He was a member of Boston Philharmonic Orchestra. He also participated in Karen Tuttle viola workshop where he had instruction from Karen Ritscher, Susan Dubois, Jeffrey Irvin, Kim Kashkashian.
While he was in Taipei National University of Arts (TNUA), studying with Chen-Hung Ho and Yi-Wen Chao (musical art doctor of Juilliard school). He was also a student of Grace Huang, the viola principal of Taiwan Philharmonic. In 2010, he went to Bowdoin Music Festival. He was also selected to participate in the Asian Youth Orchestra in 2013, performing in several countries in Asia. In 2013 he also performed in Israel with TNUA's orchestra as a viola principal. He was also a substitute of NSO (Taiwan Philharmonic) from 2013-2016 Seasons. Over the years, he has received instructions from Carol Rodland, Hsin-Yun Huang and Paul Silverthorne.
He joins the National Symphony Orchestra (Taiwan Philharmonic) in November 2017, and also a NSO 3+1 quartet member.