鄭恩麒 En-Chi Cheng
The graduate student at The Juilliard School
生於高雄市,鄭恩麒現為茱莉亞音樂學院碩士生,跟隨茱莉亞四重奏前中提琴Samuel Rhodes學習,並為Kovner Fellowship全額獎學金獎助對象之一。2017年從寇蒂斯音樂院學士畢業,期間師事Joseph de Pasquale和黃心芸。在臺學習期間,中提琴師事黃冠蓁、富澤直子、方永信、曾瀞瑩、陳振生,其他音樂領域的成長過程亦深受陳樹熙、張雅舜、陳俐妏、吳美靜等恩師教導、影響。
2016年於第十二屆Tertis中提琴國際比賽中獲得The Josef Weinberger Publisher Prize獎、96及98學年度兩度贏得全國學生音樂比賽第一名、留學期間獲頒第24及26屆奇美藝術獎。曾數次獲邀客席臺南市交響樂團中提琴首席,也曾任Moritzburg Chamber Orchestra和Curtis Symphony Orchestra中提琴首席,現為Juilliard Symphony Orchestra首席,並為費城交響樂團、New York Classical Players及聖保羅室內樂團之協演團員。
除了獨奏及樂團以外也熱衷於室內樂,曾合作室內樂演出的知名音樂家包括小提琴家曾宇謙、林品任、Joseph Lin、Ilya Kaler、Nancy Zhou、Tessa Lark、中提琴家今井信子、Atar Arad、Veit Hertenstein、大提琴家Peter Wiley、Christoph Richter、Brannon Cho、李孟坡、鋼琴家劉孟捷、Eric Lu和Johannes四重奏等。
此外也活躍於國內外音樂盛典,曾受邀參與美國Marlboro Music Festival、Performance Arts Institute of Wyoming Seminary、Heifetz Institute of Music、Taos School of Music、Music from Angel Fire、加拿大Centre d'arts Orford、德國Moritzburg Festival Academy、Dresden Music Festival等音樂節,並多次參與中提琴家今井信子所帶領的Viola Space Tokyo、小樽中提琴大師班,深受今井女士的影響。
Taiwanese violist En-Chi Cheng is currently a graduate student of Samuel Rhodes, as a proud recipient of the Kovner Fellowship at The Juilliard School. He earned his Bachelor of Music degree at the Curtis Institute of Music, as a pupil of Joseph de Pasquale and Hsin-Yun Huang. He has also been deeply influenced by the legendary Nobuko Imai, with whom he has worked with for the past decade.
Mr. Cheng is a multiple prizewinner of international competitions and awards. In 2016, he garnered the Josef Weinberger Publisher Prize in the 12th Lionel Tertis International Viola Competition. He received the Chi-Mei Arts Award from the Chi-Mei Cultural Foundation twice, in 2012 and 2014. At the ages of eleven and thirteen, he also won the Taiwan National Music Competition twice in a row.
Mr. Cheng had held the principal viola chair of the Curtis Symphony Orchestra, , the Moritzburg Academy Chamber Orchestra, and guest principal of the Tainan Symphony Orchestra; and is currently the principal viola of the Juilliard Orchestra. As a chamber musician, he has performed with renowned artists such as Nobuko Imai, Ilya Kaler, Peter Wiley, Joseph Lin, Meng-Chieh Liu, Veit Hertenstein, and the Johannes Quartet; and has participated in a number of festivals, including the Marlboro Music Festival, Moritzburg Festival, Heifetz International Music Institute, Viola Space Tokyo, Otaru Viola Masterclass, Music from Angel Fire, and the Taos School of Music.
Mr. Cheng's recent performance highlights include a solo appearance with the Taipei Symphony Orchestra, playing the Walton Concerto with conductor Felix Chiu-Sen Chen. He also performed as part of the 30th anniversary celebration concert series of the Taiwan National Concert Hall, chamber concert tours led by Nobuko Imai in Taiwan and Japan, and the anniversary gala concert of the Playing for Formosa - one of the most important emerging concert series in Taiwan for young musicians.
In addition to sharing music around the world, Mr. Cheng enjoys teaching students both in the United States and Taiwan.