趙怡雯 Yi-Wen Chao


國立台北藝術大學音樂系   專任副教授
The Associate Professor at the National Taipei University of the Arts

趙怡雯是美國茱莉亞學院建校百年來首位華人中提琴博士,為前紐約愛樂中提琴首席P. Neubauer與茱莉亞中提琴部門主席S. Rhodes門下弟子。已故溫哥華交響樂團音樂總監科米席歐納(S. Comissiona)讚美她的演奏「專注而投入,富有音樂性及個人特色」。2005年她以最低年限三年取得博士學位後,將學術兼修的形象根植於台灣,並廣受跨界合作與代言之邀約。歷年來她曾獲三屆亞洲文化協會獎學金及茱莉雅學院全額獎學金、紐約「國際藝術家」甄選之「特別表演獎」、茱莉亞學院協奏曲大賽第二名、北京中央音樂院「全國中提琴獨奏專項比賽」第二獎、國立中正文化中心「樂壇新秀」、瑞士Verbier音樂節協奏曲比賽第一名、國立台灣交響樂團「中提琴協奏曲大賽」首獎等殊榮。曾與瑞士Verbier節慶青年樂團、費城精英室內樂團、臺北縣交響樂團、中提琴家協會室內樂團、國立臺灣交響樂團、普羅藝術家室內樂團以及北藝大管絃樂團等合作協奏曲。受邀於國際間各大音樂節,如瑞士Verbier音樂節、日本「太平洋音樂節」、德國「萊比錫國際音樂營」、美國「壇格塢音樂節」、法國「楓丹白露音樂節」、中央音樂院「中提琴藝術節」。曾擔任「太平洋音樂節」中提琴首席及「壇格塢音樂節」小澤征爾指揮場次之中提琴首席,獲選與小提琴家Chantal Juillet、鋼琴家Stephen Hough,及NHK交響樂團首席堀 正文演出室內樂。近期合作室內樂的國際大師包括巴黎高等音樂院教授I. Duha、鹿特丹音樂院教授H. Stegenga、長城四重奏、Diotima String Quartet、Lydian String Quartet、中提琴大師今井信子及新英格蘭音樂院教授P. Katz。 現專任於國立台北藝術大學,除了持續以演奏與國際接軌,更致力於人才的培育。曾受邀於上海音樂學院、北京中央音樂學院、紐約大學(NYU)、奧克拉荷馬州立大學(OU)等校指導中提琴大師班,近期受邀於中國伊斯頓弦樂音樂節與北京國際音樂大師班藝術節(BIMFA),並於國家大劇院演出獨奏。2016年演奏足跡遍及泰國伊斯頓弦樂音樂節、西貢歌劇院、胡志明市立音樂院、越南國立音樂院,其間越南首演Vieuxtemps Elegy Op.30。2017受邀任教於國台交國際青少年管弦樂營及桂林國際弦樂青少年嘉年華,並於河內及胡志明市擔任獨奏,演出 Bruch Romanze for Viola and String Quartet。

Noted as a player of "intensity, musical intelligence and personality" by the late Sergiu Comissiona, violist Yi-Wen Chao is the first Taiwanese/Chinese violist to receive the Doctor of Musical Arts degree from the Juilliard School. Dr. Chao made her Carnegie Hall's Weill Recital Hall debut in 2006 which highlighted the New York premiere of Samuel Adler's Canto XVI for solo viola and Philip Lasser's Vocalise for viola and piano. Her compelling interpretation of contemporary music resulted in an invitation for her to give the Taiwan premiere of Adler's Viola Concerto at the Taipei National Concert Hall. Dr. Chao is a prizewinner at the Artists International New York Debut Audition, the Juilliard Concerto Competition, the National Viola Solo Competition at Beijing Central Conservatory, the Verbier Music Festival Concerto Competition, the National Taiwan Concerto Competition, and the National Taiwan Viola Solo Competition. She was named a National Young Concert Artist by the government of Taiwan, and was a three-time consecutive recipient of the Asian Cultural Council Fellowship.Dr. Chao has been invited as principal violist and chamber musician by festivals including the Tanglewood Music Center, the Leipzig International Summer Academy, the Pacific Music Festival, Ecole d'Art Américaines de Fontainebleau, and the Verbier Academy. As a soloist, she has performed with the Philadelphia Virtuosi Chamber Orchestra, the UBS Verbier Youth Orchestra, the Taipei Metropolitan Symphony Orchestra, the Taiwan Viola Society Chamber Orchestra, and the National Taiwan Symphony Orchestra. Over the years she has collaborated in chamber music with renowned artists including Chantal Juillet, Stephen Hough, Isabelle Duha, The Great Wall String Quartet, Diotima String Quartet, Lydian Quartet, Nobuko Imai and Paul Katz. She has also served as violist of New York's Continuum Ensemble for contemporary music. Most recently Dr. Chao had her solo debut at the National Center for the Performing Arts in Beijing (2015), and gave the Vietnam premiere of Vieuxtemp's Elegie at Vietnam Academy of Music (2016). A well sought pedagogue and educator, Dr. Chao has presented master classes and lectures in institutions and festivals including the Shanghai Conservatory, Beijing Central Conservatory, New York University, Eastern String Summer Festival (China and Thailand), Beijing International Music Festival and Academy, and Vietnam Connection Music Festival. She earned the Bachelor of Music degree from the National Taiwan Normal University and obtained her Master of Music and Doctor of Musical Arts degrees at the prestigious Juilliard School of Music, where she studied with Paul Neubauer and Samuel Rhodes. She is currently Associate Professor of Viola at the Taipei National University of the Arts.

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