蔡弦修 Hsien-Hsiu Tsai
長榮交響樂團 中提琴團員
The Violist of the Evergreen Symphony Orchestra
蔡弦修出生於高雄市,先後就讀於鹽埕國小、新興國中、高雄中學,其後考入國立臺北藝術大學,畢業後以Max and Sophie Mydans獎學金進入美國新英格蘭音樂院攻讀音樂碩士,並於2017年取得碩士文憑。師事劉孟灝、陳美玲、楊仁傑、何君恆、趙怡雯、Dimitri Murrath等教授,並多次獲推薦接受大師班指導,如: 今井信子、黃心芸、陳則言、李捷琦、陳則宏、Roberto Diaz、Daniel Foster、Andrew Ling、Yun-Jie Liu等教授。
蔡弦修近年來屢獲國內外獎項,除多次獲得台灣區音樂比賽中提琴組第一名,更於2013年獲選為國立臺北藝術大學關渡新聲協奏曲優勝,與國立臺北藝術大學管絃樂團演出協奏曲Bartok Viola Concerto。旅美期間,同時錄取茱麗亞音樂院、新英格蘭音樂院、曼哈頓音樂院、曼尼斯音樂院,並獲取新英格蘭音樂院碩士班獎學金(Max and Sophie Mydans Scholarship)與曼哈頓音樂院碩士班全額獎學金。弦修也熱衷於室內樂,除多次獲得臺灣區音樂比賽弦樂四重奏第一名,更於2014年獲選為Diotima弦樂四重奏培訓計畫成員,隨Diotima弦樂四重奏赴法國演出。同年也受伊莉莎白國際大賽得主胡乃元邀請,演出室內樂「琴聲撩動」。弦修在管弦樂團演出經驗也更是不在少數,曾二度獲選日本「太平洋音樂節」巡迴亞洲各大音樂廳,並於2013年擔任日本「太平洋音樂節」分部首席。
Mr. Tsai is recognized as one of the most promising young musicians in Taiwan. He is the first prize winner of almost every major competition in Taiwan, and has been invited to international festivals including Pacific Music Festival (Principal violist of 2013), Schleswig-Holstein Musik Festival and String quartet training course (founded by Diotima String Quartet). Mr. Tsai currently serves as a faculty of Tunghai University in the viola and chamber music departments. He has also been the violist of Evergreen Symphony Orchestra and the violist of ensemble-in-residence at Taipei National University of the Arts.
Hsien-Hsiu Tsai has accomplished the Master degree from New England Conservatory undere Prof. Dimitri Murrath. He also holds the Bachelor degree from Taipei National University of the Arts under Prof. Yi-Wen Chao and Prof. Chen-Hung Ho. Mr. Tsai is recognized as one of the most promising young musicians in Taiwan. He is the first prize winner of almost every major competition in Taiwan, and has been invited to international festivals including Pacific Music Festival (Principal violist of 2013), Schleswig-Holstein Musik Festival and String quartet training course (founded by Diotima String Quartet).
Mr. Tsai currently serves as a faculty of Tunghai University in the viola and chamber music departments. He has also been the violist of Evergreen Symphony Orchestra and the violist of ensemble-in-residence at Taipei National University of the Arts.