莊孟勳 Meng-Hsun Chuang
國立高雄師範大學 教授
The Professor at the National Kaohsiung Normal University
美國新英格蘭音樂院 (New England Conservatory of Music) 中提琴演奏博士及學士、美國茱利亞音樂院 (The Juilliard School of Music) 碩士。以極優異之演奏表現屢獲國內外音樂比賽大獎。2005年與鋼琴家林瑞萍組成之Morning Glory 二重奏贏得由美國新英格蘭室內樂協會 (New England Chamber Music Foundation) 所舉辦之國際室內樂大賽 (International Chamber Music Ensemble Competition) 首獎,受邀至紐約卡內基音樂廳 (Carnegie Hall) 之懷爾廳 (Weill Recital Hall) 演出。2006年獲選為國家音樂廳之年度樂壇新秀。同年受邀成為新英格蘭室內樂協會客座藝術家。
除了每年多場的個人獨奏會,莊孟勳也多次以獨奏者之身分與台灣獨奏家交響樂團、中山大學巴洛克獨奏家樂團、及臺北藝術大學弦樂團等團體合作演出協奏曲。室內樂方面,莊孟勳曾與 Vermeer 弦樂四重奏、Tokyo 弦樂四重奏、小提琴家錢舟、張萬鈞 (Lynn Chang)、Yossif Ivanov、大提琴家 Frans Helmerson、Timothy Eddy、Sergey Antonov、歐逸青、琵琶演奏家吳蠻、二胡演奏家許可等國際知名音樂家合作演出。
莊孟勳積極參與當代作品之展演及發表,除了曾擔任楊聰賢中提琴協奏曲《悲歌》之中提琴獨奏,也曾首演多位作曲家的新作,包括David Lefkowitz中提琴獨奏曲《Pieces of Eight》、呂文慈《弦樂四重奏-朱傻鳥日記一》、應廣儀《中提琴獨奏曲》、李思嫻《對話(之四):鄉愁,自離境起點》、張琇琇中提琴獨奏曲《Ah, How Trivial》、李元貞中提琴獨奏曲《源》以及楊勇《給胡琴及中提琴之河曲》與《給胡琴、琵琶、以及弦樂三重奏之新十六板》。
曾師事Kim Kashkashian、Karen Tuttle、及James Dunham,並曾接受Yuri Bashmet、及Nobuko Imai等國際知名中提琴演奏家指導。曾多次獲邀參加歐、美、加、及台灣各地之音樂節,包括瑞士Verbier Festival & Academy、義大利The Accademia Musicale Chigiana at Siena、美國The Steans Institute for Young Concert Artists、Norfolk Festival、加拿大 Orford Center of Arts、及台灣音樂節。
曾擔任前茱利亞音樂院中提琴教授Karen Tuttle之助教。現任教於國立臺北教育大學、國立清華大學、國立高雄師範大學、國立中山大學、國立臺南大學、東吳大學、及中國文化大學。
Violist Meng-Hsun Chuang received both his Doctoral and Bachelor's degrees in viola performance from the New England Conservatory of Music and his Master's Degree in viola performance from the Juilliard School of Music. Through competitions and critically acclaimed performances, Chuang has distinguished himself as one of the most promising young musicians. In 2005, as a founding member of the Morning Glory Duo, Chuang and pianist Rei-Ping Lin were awarded the first prize in the International Chamber Music Competition held by the Chamber Music Foundation of New England, and this led to their performance in the Weill Hall at the Carnegie Hall. In 2006, Chuang won the Taiwan National Theater & National Concert Hall Young Artists Award and was invited to be the guest artist of the New England Chamber Music Foundation.
In addition to his annual recital tours, Chuang has been invited as a concerto soloist by ensembles including the Taiwan Soloists Symphony Orchestra, the Baroque Camerata from the Sun Yat-Sen University, and the String Ensemble of the National Taipei University of Arts. Chuang has collaborated with international artists including the Vermeer String Quartet, the Tokyo String Quartet, Qian Zhou, Lynn Chang, Yossif Ivanov, Frans Helmerson, Timothy Eddy, Sergey Antonov, Carol Ou, Wu Man, and Xu Ke.
As a strong advocate for contemporary music, Chuang has participated in many performances and premieres of new works, including the concerto appearance of Tsung-Hsien Yang's Viola Concerto "Elegy" as well as world premieres of David Lefkowitz's Pieces of Eight for Solo Viola, Wen-Tze Lu's String Quartet, Kwang-I Ying's Music for Viola Solo, Szu-Hsien Lee's Dialogue IV: Nostalgia from Departure, Departure, Hsiu-Hsiu Chang's Ah, How Trivial for Viola Solo, Yuan-Chen Li's The Source for Viola Solo, and Yang Yong's River Songs for Erhu and Viola and New Shi-Liu-Ban for Erhu, Pipa, and String Trio.
Besides studying with Kim Kashkashian, Karen Tuttle, and James Dunahm, Chuang has the opportunities to work with renowned violists Yuri Bashmet and Nobuko Imai. Chuang has participated and performed in festivals, including the Verbier Festival & Academy, the Accademia Musicale Chigiana at Siena, the Steans Institute for Young Concert Artists at the Ravinia Festival, the Orford Center of Arts, the Norfolk Chamber Music Festival, and the Taiwan Music Festival.
Formerly served as Professor Tuttle's teaching assistant at the Juilliard School of Music, Dr. Chuang currently teaches at several major universities in Taiwan, including the National Taipei University of Education, National Tsing-Hua University, National Kaohsiung Normal University, National Sun Yat-Sen University, National University of Tainan, Soochow University, and Chinese Culture University.