盛利 Li Sheng
The Professor at the Shanghai Conservatory of Music
盛利,上海音樂學院中提琴教授,碩士生導師。2002年畢業於上海音樂學院中提琴碩士研究生,2002畢業並留校至今,上海音樂學院青年骨幹教師,上海音樂學院附中駐校四重奏組的創建人和成員之一,曾多次獲中國中提琴比賽優秀教師獎,所教學生多次在國際國內比賽中名列前茅。在教學方面執教的學生近年在重大國際、國內比賽中屢次獲獎受到國際、國內音樂界關注和認可同時各大新聞媒體爭相報導,如:英國BBC、美國華盛頓郵報、中國文彙報、解放日報、新晚報、青年報、勞動報、音樂週報等,學生主要獎項如下: 沈子鈺: 2014年11月于美國紐約青年藝術家選拔賽 (YCA)上獲得了第一名,她是該比賽歷史上少有的幾位中提琴專業獲勝者,並因此獲得了在美國卡內基音樂廳、林肯藝術中心、甘迺迪藝術中心等知名音樂廳多達30場音樂會的演出合約;2013年3月,榮獲最具權威的英國特蒂斯(LIONEL TERTIS)國際中提琴大賽第一名,完成了以最小年紀獲得最高獎項的記錄,也是首位華人獲此殊榮,她的表現在當時的歐洲樂壇引起了轟動;2013年7月獲瑞士韋比爾音樂節(VERBIER FESTIVAL ACADEMY)唯一的最佳學員獎;2012年3月獲得了第六屆美國華盛頓約翰森(Johansen)國際弦樂比賽第一名;2012年7月榮獲加拿大皇家山音樂學院音樂橋室內樂比賽第一名。 王淑涵:2016年獲得俄羅斯穆拉文斯基國際弦樂比賽第一名。 鄧一飛: 2015年4月榮獲第62屆美國華盛頓國際弦樂比賽第一名;2014年6月榮獲美國普利姆羅斯國際中提琴比賽最佳協奏曲演奏獎;2011年6月榮獲美國普利姆羅斯國際中提琴比賽最佳巴赫演奏獎。2009年獲美國華盛頓第七屆約翰森(Johansen)國際弦樂比賽第二名。 盧雨辰:榮獲2015年美國華盛頓第七屆約翰森(Johansen)國際弦樂比賽第三名(2015年3月);榮獲美國比肯國際器樂比賽少年組第一名(2012年8月)。 張薰之:獲香港第二屆國際弦樂比賽專業中提琴銀獎(2013年8月)。 史臻煒:獲2012年第六屆美國華盛頓約翰森(Johansen)國際弦樂比賽第三名。 錢駿平:2007年獲全國中提琴比賽第一名;2006年獲美國華盛頓約翰森(Johansen)國際弦樂比賽第二名。作為第一作者在公開出版的國內外重要學術刊物發表若干篇學術論文,分別發表於《民族音樂》、《交響》、《樂府新聲》、《人民音樂》與《音樂研究》等。公開出版30萬字左右的學術專著:《中提琴演奏藝術與教學探索》。還出版了大量教材如:《學生室內樂團訓練曲集》、《康帕諾利41首中提琴隨想曲》等,同時錄製了大量示範音響製品,如:人民音樂出版社、人民音樂電子音像出版社出版的徐孟東教授《交響幻想曲-----------為中提琴與管弦樂隊而作》這部作品的中提琴獨奏;上海音樂學院出版社出版的《中提琴中國作品集》以及上海音樂學院出版社《中提琴協奏曲選》中的若干首曲目等等。近年主要獲獎情況如下:2013年11月榮獲賀淥汀基金獎,特等獎;2012年11月榮獲賀淥汀基金獎,三等獎;2013年12月榮獲上海文藝人才優秀教師獎;2013年5月榮獲上海音樂學院附中校長獎一等獎;2015年1月榮獲上海音樂學院附中校長獎;2012年9月榮獲上海唐君遠優秀教師特等獎;2011年9月榮獲上海徐匯區教育系統"駿馬獎"等。 近年受邀前往國際、國內知名音樂院校、音樂節講學及開設專家課,包括新加坡國立大學楊秀桃音樂學院、美國巴德大學音樂學院、中國中央音樂學院、加拿大皇家山音樂學院音樂橋等開設專業課、講座及大師班,並被美國柯帝士音樂學院聘請為2014-----2015年住校藝術家(教授)為該校所有中提琴學生開設個別專業課以及公開大師班。
Li Sheng, a viola professor and supervising professor for master degree candidates at the Shanghai Conservatory of Music, graduated from the Shanghai Conservatory of Music in 2002 with a master of viola degree. Professor Sheng has worked at the Shanghai Conservatory of Music as a teacher ever since his graduation. He is respected as one of the Conservatory's most committed young teachers. He is also a co-founder and member of a quartet at the Music Middle School Affiliated to Shanghai Conservatory of Music. He has been awarded several prizes for outstanding supervising teachers in China's viola competitions, and his students have been ranking high in competitions at home and abroad.
In recent years, Professor Sheng's students have won a number of prizes in significant international and national competitions, and have gained extensive attention and recognition of the music industry in China and overseas countries. Major news media, including the BBC, Washington Post, Wenhui, Liberation Daily, Youth Daily, Labor Report and Music Weekly, have been scrambling to report on the remarkable prizes. The following is a summarization of the students' prizes.
First Prize of the Young Concert Artists (YCA) in New York in 2014,
First Prize of the Lionel Tertis International Viola Competition in 2013
Best Trainee Award of the the Verbier Festival in 2013,
First Prize (2012), Second Prize (2006\2009), and Third Prize (2015) of the Johansen International Competition,
First Prize of the Chamber Music Competition by the Royal Conservatory of Music in 2012 Canada.
First Prize of the 62th Washington International String Competition in 2015,
Best Concerto Award (2014),Best Bach Award (2011) of the Primrose International Viola Competition.
First Prize of the Beacon International Music Competition in 2012,
Silver Prize (2013) of the 2th International String Competition in Hong Kong, and
First Prize (2006) of the National Viola Competition in China.
His students received many concert invitations from well-known music halls including the Carnegie Hall, the Lincoln Center and the John F. Kennedy Arts Center.
In academic studies, Professor Shen published several papers as the first author in influential academic journals at home and abroad, including in People's Music, Jiaoxiang-Journal of Xi'an Conservatory of Music, People Music and Music Research. He published an academic monograph of about 300,000 characters, Viola Performance and Teaching Exploration. He also compiled a number of textbooks, such as Student's Chamber Orchestra Training and Campagnoli - 41 Caprices for Solo Viola. Furthermore, he produced a large number of audio and video demonstrations. For example, a viola solo from Professor Mengdong Xu's Symphonic Fantasy - for Viola and Orchestra by the People's Music Publishing House and the People's Music Electronic Audio and Video Publishing House, Viola Chinese Work Collections published by the Shanghai Conservatory of Music Press, and some pieces in Viola Concerto Collections published by the Shanghai Conservatory of Music Press.
Professor Sheng's recent prizes mainly include:
Special Prize of the Luting He Fund Award in 2013,
Third Prize of the Luting He Fund Award in 2012,
Shanghai Outstanding Teacher Award in 2013,
First Prize of the President Award by the Music Middle School Attached to Shanghai Conservatory of Music in 2013,
Special Prize of the Shanghai Junyuan Tang Outstanding Teacher Award in 2012, and
Shanghai Xuhui District Education System Horse Award in 2011.
In recent years, Professor Sheng has been invited to give lectures and offer expert courses at world-renowned conservatories of music and festivals. He has been invited to offer specialized courses, give lectures or open expert classes at the Yong Siew Toh Conservatory of Music Schools of the National University of Singapore, the Bard College Conservatory of Music in the US, China's Central Conservatory of Music, and Canada's Mount Royal Conservatory's Music Bridge. He was also hired by the Curtis Institute of Music as a resident artist (professor) during 2014 and 2015 to offer specialized courses and public master classes to all viola students of the Institute.