楊璟 Jing Yang
Violist and violinist
廈門鼓浪嶼人,雙碩士,26歲成為德國法蘭克福廣播交響樂團中提琴副首席,是當時全團最年輕的成員。後任教於廈門大學藝術學院3年,專輯有《音樂·時光·鼓浪嶼》。演出遍及四大洲30多個國家,畢業於英國皇家音樂學院、奧地利國立莫札特音樂學院、上海音樂學院和廈門音樂學校,在海外均獲全額獎學金並以最高成績畢業。2014年被中國外交部評為"美中傑出青年"。楊璟曾獲英國 Althur Bliss 作品比賽第一名;英國 Sir Edward Cooper Prize 四重奏比賽第一名;德國 Bodensee 國際中提琴比賽第二名;奧地利 Lionel Tertis中提琴比賽第二名;斯洛維尼亞 Bled 中提琴國際比賽第二名。楊璟4歲學習小提琴,6歲登台,啟蒙老師曾依文,隨後師從郭淑敏、陳少琛、林應龍、沈西蒂、劉念、Paul Silverthorn和Thomas Riebl。她曾在薩爾茨堡室內樂團、義大利世界青年交響樂團和倫敦獨奏家室內樂團中擔任中提琴首席。楊璟特別喜歡教學,她的學生曾考入上海音樂學院,德國漢諾威音樂學院,加拿大多倫多大學,休士頓音樂學院等。楊璟也長期任教於國內外各大大師班和音樂節,並在2017年9月成功舉辦了首屆鼓浪嶼中提琴大師班音樂節。2015年,楊璟成立自己的音樂工作室,為普及古典音樂,長期舉辦音樂會和沙龍。2016年楊璟與昆明聶耳交響樂團首演了李自立教授為楊璟"量身創作"的《第一五弦中提琴協奏曲"和"》。楊璟很早便開始嘗試跨界音樂,曾與美國著名魔力紅Maroon5樂隊錄製一首單曲,成立了Jing's Quintet,Jing & Friends兩支跨界音樂樂隊,並於2017年5月在台北萬人"小巨蛋"作為獨奏嘉賓演出。楊璟同時也是廈門市流行音樂家協會常務理事,石獅市音樂家協會高級顧問,廈門音樂學校校友會副會長。
The world-renowned violist and violinist Jing Yang is the latest in a distinguished line of musicians from Kulangsu, Xiamen's "Islet of Music." At the age of 17, Jing left Kulangsu for the Shanghai Conservatory of Music. After graduating, she earned master's degrees from the Royal Academy of London and the Mozarteum in Salzburg, both on full scholarship. At just 26, Jing was named associate principal violist of the Frankfurt Radio Symphony Orchestra as the youngest of the orchestra's 108 members. Prior to this, Jing has also served as viola principal of Camerata Salzburg, World Youth Symphony Orchestra of Italy and the London Soloists Chamber Orchestra. In 2012, Jing returned to her native China, where she became professor and chair of the viola department at Xiamen University, and began touring the country as a violin and viola soloist with orchestras, chamber music groups and bands around China. In 2013, she released her first solo CD, "Kulangsu: Through The Strings of Time," which mixed classical and crossover viola with the sounds of her home island. In 2015, Jing began to explore new collaborations and musical forms including pop, crossover, and club music. She recorded with Maroon 5's Mickey Madden on the debut album of his new band Collapsing Scenery, and with fingerstyleguitarist Henry Chen on his album "Qi of the World."In summer 2016, Jing began playing with a unique custom-made five-string viola and premiered the world's first concerto for five-string viola and orchestra, composed for Jing by the legendary Chinese composer Li Zili. This same year, she formed the band Jing & Friends, which fuses her unique sound with a blend of classical, crossover, and jazz-inflected Chinese-American pop from guitarist Henry Chen, classical pianist Jason Hou, mega-pop bassist Ryan Bradetich, and composer/vocalist Robin Goldstein. In fall and winter 2016, Jing & Friends filled the Gulangyu Concert Hall to capacity for 3 performances of their first show, entitled "Love Songs from the World to Kulangsu." In fall 2017, Jing organized the 1st Kulangsu Viola Festival including masterclasses and concerts for worldwide professors and students. Jing has performed in more than 20 countries in four continents. She has won many awards at a variety of world violin and viola competitions, including first prize at the Althur Bliss Works Competition in England, second prize at the Bodensee International Viola Competition in Germany, second prize at the Lionel Tertis Viola Competition in Austria, and second prize at the Bled Viola International Competition in Slovenia.