楊瑞瑟 Jui-Se Yang
The Professor at the National Taiwan Normal University
法國巴黎師範音樂院高級演奏家文憑,現任國立台灣師範大學音樂系專任教授,台灣中提琴室內樂團團長。六歲始習小提琴,師事鄭昭明、李淑德老師。十七歲改習中提琴,師事陳廷輝、張文賢老師。十八歲以聯考最高分入師大音樂系就讀,在校期間曾多次代表音樂系對外演出,並擔任校內外樂團中提琴首席,曾多次與校內外樂團演出中提琴協奏曲。1983年獲教育部公費赴法進修,進入巴黎音樂學院和巴黎師範音樂院學習,師事Serge Collot ( 法國國家歌劇院交響樂團中提琴首席 ) 和 Tasso Adamopoulos ( 法國國家交響樂團中提琴首席 ),先後獲中提琴、室內樂高級演奏和高級演奏家文憑,在法期間經常參與各項演出。1987年夏返台後,經常受邀參加各種形式的演出,除了獨奏會與室內樂外,曾與台北愛樂室內樂團、台北縣交響樂團、師大交響樂團、台北室內樂團數度演出協奏曲;曾任台北愛樂室內樂團,師大交響樂團、台北室內樂團、歐美留學生聯合樂團、音契合唱管絃樂團中提琴首席。
Miss Yang began to learn violin at 6 with Cheng, Jau-Ming and Li, Shu-Der. She changed to play viola at 17 and took lessons with Chen, Ting-Hui and Chang, Wen-Shen.She completed her B.A. in music from National Taiwan Normal University in 1981. Throughout her college years, she was the principal viola of the university orchestra.In 1983, Miss Yang obtained a fellowship from the Ministry of Education. She began to study viola at the Conservatorie de Paris with Serge Collot, and then at Ecole Normale de Musique de Paris with Tasso Adamopoulos. She received "Diplome Superieur" of Chamber Music in 1984 and Viola in 1986.From 1987 on, Miss Yang was an instructor in viola at the music department of National Taiwan Normal University, where currently she is the professor. Besides her regular performances in several viola recitals and chamber music, she is also the principal viola of the Yinqi Symphony Orchestra & Chorus in Taipei.