李奇叡 Chi-Jui Lee
美國密西根州立大學 中提琴演奏博士
The DMA ( Doctor of Musical Arts ) of the Michigan State University

李奇叡,台灣台南人, 2017年於密西根州立大學取得中提琴演奏博士學位(Doctor of Musical Arts in Viola Performance),師事前以色列愛樂中提琴首席Yuri Gandelsmen,博士班期間皆獲得學校提供全額獎學金就讀。
在台灣就讀於台南大成國中以及台南女中音樂班,師事王麗雯老師,大學甄試錄取國立台北藝術大學,師事何君恆老師。畢業後進入國防部示範樂隊,擔任國宴四重奏中提琴手,於多場國宴場合中演出。退伍後取得獎學金前往紐約曼尼斯音樂院攻讀碩士文憑(Master of Music in Viola Performance),師事知名華人中提琴家黃心芸老師。之後並在曼哈頓音樂院,取得樂團演奏專業文憑 (Professional Study Diploma in Orchestra Performance),師事Karen Dreyfus。就讀期間獲得的獎項包括,全國室內樂第一名,台北藝術大學「關渡新聲」獨奏獎項,曼哈頓音樂院 Fuch 室內樂比賽。
在音樂營經驗中,2009年同年獲選進入美國檀格屋音樂節、日本太平洋音樂節,並曾考取韓國Great Mountain Music Festival、亞洲青少年管弦樂團。在美期間曾於曼尼斯樂團、曼哈頓Chamber Symphonia、檀格屋音樂節樂團擔任樂團首席或副首席。在參與各式的音樂節中,曾接受多個國際知名音樂大師指揮下演出多場音樂會,包括:前紐約大都會歌劇院指揮 James Levine、前萊比席布商大廈管弦樂團指揮 Herbert Blomstedt、前紐約愛樂指揮 Kurt Masur、及現任底特律交響樂團樂團指揮 Leonard Slatkin。
在美期間曾與密西根州立大學教授們於Cello Plus音樂節,共同演出布拉姆斯第二號六重奏,並代表學校與帕格尼尼國際小提琴金牌得主Dimitri Berlinsky於紐約 Merkin Hall 共同演出維瓦第四季。期間獲聘為美聯交響樂團Midland Symphony Orchestra、安娜堡交響樂團Ann Arbor Symphony Orchestra正式團員,也多次受邀自Battle Creek Symphony Orchestra, Kalamazoo Symphony Orchestra等樂團擔任協演人員。
Chi-Jui (Ray) Lee completed his DMA degree in Michigan State University, where he studied with Yuri Gandelsman. Before coming to the United States, he studied in the Taipei National University of the Arts. He then completed his Master of Music at Mannes College, the New School for Music, with Hsin-Yun Huang and Daniel Panner. He also received a Professional Study diploma in Orchestral Performance Program at the Manhattan School of Music under Karen Dreyfus.
His competition awards include First Prize in the National Chamber Competition, Prizewinner of National Viola Competition, and Prizewinner of Guandu Solo Competition in TNUA. He also won the Fuch Chamber Competition at the Manhattan Music School.
Outside of competitions, his festival experience includes the Tanglewood Music Center, the Pacific Music Festival, and Great Mountain Music Festival.
He is also an Er-Hu player, and has performed around New York area and taught at the Chinese Culture Arts Institute of Harrisburg.