富澤直子 Tomizawa Naoko
國立中山大學音樂系 教授
The Professor at the National Sun Yat-sen University

每年在台灣與日本交流協會合辦國際音樂節「Viola Space Taiwan」大型音樂活動,截至2018年止此音樂節活動已邁入第十年。
Miss Naoko earned master's degrees from the Musashino Academia Musicae, Japan. She is faculty of the Music Department at the National Sun Yat-sen University and head of the Lavender Chamber Orchestra.
She has been working on Taiwan's viola education for many years. Every year, the Taiwan-Japan Exchange Association co-organizes the international music festival "Viola Space Taiwan" large-scale music event. By 2018, this music festival has entered its tenth year.