An intensive workshop
focused on inspired learning.
華裔知名中提琴演奏家,同時也任教於美國紐約茱麗亞音樂院及費城柯蒂斯音樂學院的黃心芸老師,一直以來致力於中提琴教育推廣。 VivaViola 是一個藉由短期、密集、精緻的課程,帶來具有啟發性的學習工作坊。同時,我們也希望作為一個交流平台,為預備出國留學的亞裔中提琴學子們,提供與國際教師們接觸的機會;此外,亞洲地區的教師們,也可以藉此機會相互熟識,並從大師班彼此教學相長。在這短短的幾天內,將會有個別課、室內樂合作、大師班,以及每天早上充滿啟發性的靈感時間和音樂會。我們希望分享、傳播我們對中提琴的愛。
Violist Hsin-Yun Huang has been committed to musical education her whole life. She currently serves on the viola faculty at the Juilliard School and the Curtis Institute of Music. VivaViola is an intensive workshop focused on inspired learning. It aims to serve as a platform for Asian violists who wish to study abroad, by offering them an opportunity to engage with a number of international faculty. At the same time, teachers from the pan-Asian region can become acquainted with each other and learn from masterclasses settings. In a short few days, there will be individual lessons, chamber music collaborations, masterclasses, inspirational morning meetings, and concerts. We hope to spread our love for the viola.